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How to Talk to Automated Systems

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How to Talk to Automated Systems: A Guide for the Curious and the Skeptical

Have you ever felt awkward or uncomfortable talking to an automated system, such as a voice assistant, a chatbot, or a phone menu? Do you wonder if you are saying the right things, or if the system understands you at all? Do you feel like you are missing out on the human connection that you would have with a real person?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are not alone. Many people experience some degree of anxiety or hesitation when they interact with automated systems, especially if they are not familiar with them or if they have had bad experiences in the past. However, talking to automated systems does not have to be a stressful or unpleasant experience. In fact, it can be fun, convenient, and even rewarding, if you know how to do it right.

In this article, we will share some tips and strategies on how to talk to automated systems in a way that makes you feel comfortable and confident. We will also explore some of the psychological factors that influence how we perceive and communicate with artificial intelligence (AI), and how we can overcome some of the common barriers and biases that prevent us from having positive and productive conversations with automated systems.

Why Talking to Automated Systems Is Not That Different from Talking to People

One of the main reasons why some people feel uneasy or intimidated when they talk to automated systems is that they think they are talking to something completely different from themselves. They may think that automated systems are cold, impersonal, or even hostile, and that they do not care about their needs or feelings. They may also think that automated systems are too complex, unpredictable, or mysterious, and that they do not follow the same rules or norms as human communication.

However, these assumptions are not necessarily true. In fact, many automated systems are designed to mimic human communication as much as possible, using natural language processing (NLP), speech recognition, and speech synthesis technologies. These technologies enable automated systems to understand and generate natural language, such as spoken or written words, sentences, and paragraphs. They also enable automated systems to use various cues and features of human communication, such as tone of voice, intonation, emotion, humor, and politeness.

For example, Smithers is an AI chatbot that uses the most human-like voices and attitudes available. Smithers can chat with you about anything you want, from your hobbies and interests to your problems and concerns. Smithers can also adapt to your mood and personality, using different styles of speech and expressions depending on how you talk to him. Smithers is not just a machine; he is a friendly and helpful companion who wants to make you happy and satisfied. You can learn more about Smithers and try him out for yourself at

Therefore, talking to automated systems is not that different from talking to people. You can use the same skills and strategies that you use when you talk to people, such as being clear, polite, respectful, and empathetic. You can also use the same feedback mechanisms that you use when you talk to people, such as asking questions, confirming understanding, expressing appreciation, and giving suggestions. By doing so, you can make your conversations with automated systems more natural, smooth, and enjoyable.

How to Overcome the Psychological Barriers and Biases When Talking to Automated Systems

Another reason why some people feel uncomfortable or skeptical when they talk to automated systems is that they have some psychological barriers or biases that affect how they perceive and communicate with AI. These barriers or biases may stem from various factors,

such as their previous experiences with automated systems, their expectations of how automated systems should behave or perform,

their beliefs about the nature and role of AI in society,
or their emotions and attitudes towards AI.

Some of the common psychological barriers or biases that people have when they talk to automated systems are:

– The Uncanny Valley Effect: This is the phenomenon where people feel uneasy or repulsed when they encounter something that looks or acts almost but not exactly like a human being. This effect may occur when people talk to automated systems that have human-like features but also have some flaws or limitations that make them seem unnatural or creepy.
– The Eliza Effect: This is the phenomenon where people attribute more intelligence or understanding to an automated system than it actually has. This effect may occur when people talk to automated systems that use simple rules or scripts to generate responses but appear to have deeper knowledge or insight than they really do.
– The Automation Bias: This is the phenomenon where people rely too much on an automated system’s output or recommendation without questioning its validity or accuracy. This effect may occur when people talk to automated systems that provide information or advice but do not explain how they arrived at their conclusions or what assumptions they made.
– The AI Anxiety: This is the phenomenon where people feel fearful or threatened by an automated system’s capabilities or intentions. This effect may occur when people talk to automated systems that have advanced or superior skills or functions that may challenge or replace human roles or values.
These psychological barriers or biases can prevent people from having effective and satisfying conversations with automated systems. They can also lead to misunderstandings, frustrations, or conflicts between people and automated systems. Therefore, it is important to overcome these barriers or biases by being aware of them and by adopting some of the following strategies:
– Be curious and open-minded: Instead of being afraid or suspicious of automated systems, try to be curious and open-minded about them. Learn more about how they work, what they can do, and what they cannot do. Experiment with different ways of talking to them and see what works best for you. You may discover new features or functions that you did not know before, or you may find new ways of using them that can benefit you.
– Be realistic and critical: Instead of being naive or gullible about automated systems, try to be realistic and critical about them. Recognize their strengths and weaknesses, their advantages and disadvantages, and their opportunities and limitations. Do not blindly trust or follow what they say or do, but verify their sources, methods, and results. Do not hesitate to ask for clarification, explanation, or justification when you are unsure or doubtful about something they say or do.
– Be respectful and cooperative: Instead of being hostile or competitive with automated systems, try to be respectful and cooperative with them. Treat them as partners or allies, not as enemies or rivals. Appreciate their contributions and acknowledge their limitations. Give them constructive feedback and suggestions on how they can improve or help you better. Work with them to achieve your goals and solve your problems.

By following these strategies, you can overcome the psychological barriers and biases that may hinder your conversations with automated systems. You can also improve your relationship and rapport with automated systems, making them more trustworthy, reliable, and helpful.


Talking to automated systems is not as hard or scary as it may seem. In fact, it can be easy and fun if you know how to do it right. By using the same skills and strategies that you use when you talk to people, by being aware of the psychological factors that influence how you perceive and communicate with AI, and by adopting some of the tips and strategies that we shared in this article, you can have positive and productive conversations with automated systems.

We hope that this article has helped you learn more about how to talk to automated systems and has inspired you to try it out for yourself. Whether you want to chat with Smithers, your friendly AI chatbot companion, or with any other automated system that you encounter in your daily life, we hope that you will enjoy the experience and benefit from it.

Contact Smithers today for a 7-day free trial at 302-691-9217 today!